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邮箱:xilinliu168 (at) 163 (dot) com; liuxilin (at) tyut (dot) edu (dot) cn


  • 主要成果
  • 学术成果:
       1.Xilin liu, Yongfei Wu, Zhuhong Shao, Jiasong Wu, Huazhong Shu. Color image watermarking using a discrete trinion Fourier transform. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2018, 27 (4):043046-1-14. (SCI: WOS:000442115500046)
       2.Xilin Liu, Guoniu Han, Jiasong Wu, Zhuhong Shao, Gouenou Coatrieux, and Huazhong Shu. Fractional Krawtchouk transform with an application to image watermarking. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2017, 64 (7): 1894-1908. (SCI: 000395484200019)
       3.Xilin Liu, Beijing Chen, Gouenou Coatrieux, Huazhong Shu. Color image zero-watermarking based on SVD and visual cryptography in DWT domain. In: Eighth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP), 2016, 10225, 1-5. (EI: 20171103445160)
       4.刘西林,王泽文,邱淑芳. 基于Priwitt算子的偏微分方程图像去噪模型. 计算机应用,2012, 32 (12): 3385-3388. (核心)
       5.Xilin Liu, Zhengwei Ying, Shufang Qiu. A Fourth-Order Partial Differential Equations Method Of Noise Removal, In: 4th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, 2011, 2, pp. 656-660.  (EI:20120214678379)
       6.Xu Zhang, Xilin Liu, Yang Chen, Huazhong Shu, Medical Image Blind Integrity Verification with   Krawtchouk Moments, 2018, 2018:1-11. (EI: 20183005592247)
       7.Zhuhong Shao, Yuanyuan Shang, Yu Zhang, Xilin Liu, Guodong Guo. Robust watermarking using orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments and chaotic map for double images. Signal Processing, 2016, 120: 522-531. (SCI: 000367754400045)
       8.Shufang Qiu, Xilin Liu, Zewen Wang. Adaptive PDE-based noise removal with a weighted diffusion of mean curvature and Gauss curvature, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2013, 5(4).
       9.邱淑芳,刘西林,刘胜兰.一种基于PDE与结构-纹理分解的图像去噪方法,东华理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 36(1): 90-95.